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Writer's picture: raquelraquel

From experience working with woman, ( and myself) we would all LOVE to have a fairy godmother come into our wardrobes, sprinkle some fairy dust and create a wardrobe that contains the right amount of clothes for us, in the right colours and shapes, making all sense together for our personal style and lifestyle so we can get excited every morning when we get dressed, feeling not only great in our clothes, but powerful too.

There are a lot of professionals out there nowadays who can do just that, but there are a few reasons that stop us from having one coming into our life/ wardrobe. Here are some common reasons I have seen:

Por experiencia trabajando con chicas, ( y por mí misma) a todas nos gustaría tener un hada madrina que venga a nuestro armario, eche un poco de polvos mágicos y cree un armario que nos pegue con nuestro estilo de vida, que tenga la cantidad correcta de ropa, en los colores y formas correctos y que lo usemos para nuestro estilo de vida concreto. Y cada mañana, al vestirnos, nos sintamos no sólo genial, sino también, por qué no, poderosas.

Hoy en día hay un montón de profesionales que pueden hacer eso exactamente, pero hay varias razones que nos frenan, y aquí van algunas de las más comunes que yo veo:


The main fear I see, is woman thinking I am going to come and create a whole new style for that person, that is going to end up making the person not recognise themselves.

Far from the truth.

Sure, I have a vision for your full potential and a collection for your wardrobe, but it needs to feel like YOU, no one else.

By asking lots and lots of questions, I get lot of information from girls I work with, which tell me what they will feel comfortable with, and what they will not. I do push your boundaries, yes, but I will never push a style on someone. My aim is to elevate your style or find you one that suits you, not change you to go out of the door and feel you are going to a costume party because the outfit does not feel like you.


Este tiene que ser el número uno de las preocupaciones. Las chicas tienen un miedo inicial de que voy a ponerles un nuevo estilo que les va a hacer sentirse disfrazadas o no reconocerse a sí mismas.

Nada más lejos de la realidad.

Si que es cierto que tengo una visión de cómo podría ser tu estilo con mayor potencial y crearé una colección para tu armario, pero siempre tienes que sentirte tú misma, nadie más.

Haciendo un montón de preguntas, y recogiendo mucha información sobre ti, consigo ver en qué estarías cómoda, en qué no, y cuales son los límites que no puedo atravesar ( aunque lo intente ;P).

Mi propósito es elevar tu estilo, o encontrarte uno que te favorezca, no cambiarte para que te sientas incómoda al salir de casa.


A common worry. The answer is: NO with my method. The beauty of My packages ( coming soon) is that you have your MAP ( Master, Action, Potential) Master plan of your wardrobe, Action by knowing what to shop and having reached your full Potential learning on the way how to buy in terms of what your style would be and the pieces to go for, including in what colours and shapes. A wardrobe is a process, so you can buy slowly as much as you want, or as little as you want over time, depending on your budget.

Not everyone can afford to buy a whole new wardrobe at once. Plus I don't recommend it either, as you can get overwhelmed really fast.


Otra preocupación común. La respuesta simple es: Claro que no. Con mi método. Lo bueno de mis servicios ( que van a cambiar en breve) es que yo creo un MAPA para ti, un resumen de las palabras: Master plan, Acción, Potencial y Aprendizaje. Hacemos un master plan de cual sería tu estilo, lo llevamos a la acción comprando sólo lo necesario, alcanzando así tu máximo potencial, y aprendiendo en el camino cómo crear tu colección para que en el futuro sigas creando.

Esto es un proceso, así que puedes comprar tanto como quieras, o teniendo tu MAPA, ya estás planificada para comprar lo que necesitas acorde con tu presupuesto y cuando tú puedas.


A common misconception is that by having someone helping you, you are somehow going to end up like an influencer's wardrobe, those you see on YouTube or instagram. Huge wardrobes!

Let's just stop here, chances are you are not buying clothes all the time to show online, that is not your job, so precisely a huge amount of clothes is what makes us not use them all, and makes us be overwhelmed when getting dressed. If you have less, you see more. The beauty of my methods is that I teach you how to buy better, that is all the secret, and you just have the right stuff in your wardrobe.


La moda no es ahora mismo tener un armario de influencer como muestra internet.

Lo que esta de moda, es crear un armario más pequeńo, que puedas manejar. A menos que seas una influencer y entonces enseñas ropa todo el rato en internet. Pero supongamos que no es tu caso.

Una cantidad enorme de ropa es lo que precisamente hace que no la usemos toda, que nos agobiemos por la mañana al vestirnos. Tener menos te hace ver más, es decir, te hace ser más creativa.

Lo bueno de mis métodos es que te enseñan en cómo comprar mejor, y tendrás las prendas correctas en tu armario.


I have seen this in repeated occasions, and I was surprised of this statement, but it totally makes sense. Some clothes do in fact, make us look older, but others actually make us look as if we are trying to get away with a younger look that does not belong us any more.

To get the right balance, you need someone external. I am all for looking fresh and modern, and I will always point out the items that make a girl look older, in order to discard them ( if that is what you want)

I say this because believe it or not, I have worked with some professionals, that naturally, are too young looking and by wanting to be taken seriously in the workplace, they needed to have a more mature look.


Al principio me sorprendía este miedo, pero tiene todo el sentido. Hay ropa que nos hace parecer mayor, pero también hay ropa en la que parece que intentamos ser más joven de la manera incorrecta.

Para tener un balance y pillar el punto correcto, sí que necesitas alguien externo. A mi me encanta darle frescura a armarios y siempre identifico las prendas que hacen más mayor a esa persona, por tanto, evitándolas. Puede haber casos sin embargo, que por motivos de cierto trabajo, me pidieron un estilo más madura, en una chica que naturalmente, siempre parecía más joven de lo que era.


Let's go around point 1. The thing that surprises people the most when having a Wardrobe breakthrough is finding a style that they would have not though of, yet they feel themselves in it, AND it actually goes with the rest of their wardrobe.

So by selecting the pieces in your own wardrobe that will be the base for a new elevated style, you find yourselves with a new elevated YOU.

In most cases I see all we need is freshness in style and wardrobe, and that is difficult to see if you see your clothes everyday, that's why is good to have someone external do the job for you.


Volvamos al punto 1. Lo que sorprende más a las chicas cuando tienen el Wardrobe Breakthrough, es encontrarse así mismas con un estilo del que nunca ser les hubiera ocurrido, en cambio ven que les pega, y que se sienten que pueden llevarlo perfectamente. Y es más, que pueden usar ropa que ya tienen.

Así que, seleccionando piezas de tu propio armario que serán la base para tu estilo más elevado, te encuentras más potenciada tu misma.

En la mayoría de los casos, solo necesitamos un poco de frescura, y eso es difícil de ver una misma si ves tu ropa todos los días, alguien externo es imprescindible.


This reason is so common and I will explain you why. Because we get bombarded by magazines and internet about the perfect "capsule wardrobe" and the classic pieces you should have every season. It gets really boring. Everyone does not suit that style, or those neutral colours and shapes, plus you risk to get really really bored with your own clothes, which in turn, it will make you buy even more until you think you get it right.

I create a collection based on a Style concept, even if it's an elaborated style, not minimal.

Don't you ever worry that is going to happen to you, that will be a huge mistake...on my part to put you on those clothes.


Esta razón es común y te explico el por qué. Porque nos bombardean las revistas con la idea de el armario cápsula perfecto y las piezas básicas que deberías incluir cada temporada.

Esto puede ser bastante aburrido. No a todo el mundo le quedan bien los clásicos, ni esos colores neutrales. Y además corres el riesgo de aburrirte con la ropa, lo que te hace comprar más hasta que creas que tienes la ropa correcta, sensación que a veces, nunca llega.

No te preocupes nunca más de que eso vaya a pasar, sería de hecho, un mi parte, dejar que eso pasara cuando no es tu estilo.


Sentimental reasons are really a reason to keep items, everyone does it. There is something about attachment to some clothes, that even if they don't suit us in shape, colour, lifestyle or style itself, we hang on to them. I see this a lot. Ie: if your mum or your friend gave you that jumper.

There is a sentimental value to it, but also a money value to it. This is really hard to let go, until you realise that if it was a gift, search the reason WHY you want to hold on to it, as by wearing the item, you are caring about the person that gifted to you, but not about yourself, by wearing something that is not really you.

In the case that it cost you a lot of money at the time, the money is gone, and you are not going to recuperate it any more by wearing something that does not suit you, because again, you are not going to feel your greatest self. It's all about abundance, in yourself.

Having said both of those explanations, you don't need to get rid of clothes with sentimental value, you just don't wear them and put them in a part of the house where you can actually admire them.

In the case of money well spend, we always find a way to wear it first, and then discard it if not possible .


Razones sentimentales son una gran parte de quedarnos con ropa. Hay algo sobre el apego que nos hace quedarnos con cosas que nos han regalado porque nos da pena no ponérnosla.

Por ejemplo, si tu amiga o tu madre te regaló una prenda que era suya.

Aunque no te quede bien del todo, no sea tu mejor color o tu estilo, nos cuesta no ponérnosla.

A parte del valor sentimental, también esta el valor del dinero, que es muy difícil dejar marchar.

En el caso sentimental, mira a ver cuál es la razón del apego a esa prenda, ya que estás pensando en la persona que te lo dio ( qué pena) pero no realmente en ti misma, si es que no te favorece nada.

En temas económicos, el dinero se perdió y ya no lo recuperarás si te pones algo que no te gusta realmente, o no te hace favores.

En ambos casos, no hay que deshacerse de nada, si no mirar dónde lo tenemos que poner, para que tenga su lugar correcto.

Any other fears I have not mentioned? Share it with me in the comments!

Hay alguna miedo más que no he mencionado que te frena a tener un Wardrobe Breakthrough? ( descubrimiento de armario) Compártela conmigo en los comentarios




  • Do I need to be actively involved in the process once I purchase the Style Breakthrough service?
    Yes. This service is designed for individuals who are truly ready to commit to discovering their authentic style and breaking free from impulsive, unfulfilling purchases. We work with clients who are at a stage in their lives where they want a more intentional and sustainable approach to their wardrobe. By trusting the process and fully engaging in it, you’ll achieve lasting results—a style that feels effortless, cohesive, and truly you.
  • Will I have to get rid of all my clothes?
    Not at all! The goal is to work with what you already have and refine your wardrobe, not to start from scratch. We’ll assess what truly aligns with your style, what can be repurposed, and what might not be serving you anymore. The process is about intention—curating a wardrobe that supports your style, not just replacing everything for the sake of it.
  • Will the Style Breakthrough service change me into someone I’m not?
    Absolutely not! This service isn’t about forcing you into a specific style or making you dress in a way that doesn’t feel like you. Instead, it’s about uncovering and refining the style that already aligns with who you are at this stage of your life. Think of it as a process of self-discovery—one that empowers you to feel more confident, authentic, and in control of your wardrobe. You won’t be told what to wear; rather, you’ll gain clarity on what truly resonates with you, so getting dressed feels effortless and right for you. This is about embracing your style, not changing it into something it’s not.
  • Do I need to be passionate about fashion to benefit from the Style Breakthrough service?
    Not at all! The Style Breakthrough is for anyone who wants to feel confident and authentic in what they wear—whether or not they follow fashion trends. However, this service is about more than just clothes; it’s about shifting your mindset around style and shopping. To truly benefit, you need to be open to change. If you’re ready to break free from old shopping habits, stop wasting money on pieces that don’t work, and build a wardrobe that reflects who you are, this process will give you clarity and confidence. But this may not be the right fit if you’re looking for a quick fix without a commitment to real change. Style isn’t about following rules—it’s about redefining your relationship with your wardrobe and embracing a new way of dressing that truly serves you.
  • Is the Style Breakthrough service only for people who feel lost in their style?
    Not at all! While the service is perfect for those who feel disconnected from their wardrobe, it’s also designed for anyone who wants to refine, refresh, or evolve their personal style. Whether you’re going through a life transition, seeking a more cohesive wardrobe, or simply wanting to shop with more confidence and clarity, the Style Breakthrough will help you build a wardrobe that truly represents you. It’s about making style effortless, authentic, and aligned with who you are—wherever you are on your style journey.
  • Why should I book the Style Simplified session instead of jumping straight into a full service?
    The Style Simplified session is a great starting point because it allows you to gain essential insight into your wardrobe and style goals, without committing to a larger service right away. If you’re not sure where to begin or feel overwhelmed by the thought of a full transformation, this session helps break things down into manageable steps. Think of it as a powerful checkpoint that gives you the information you need to move forward with confidence—whether you choose to continue working together or implement the insights on your own. If you’re ready for a shift but need help figuring out where to focus, this session is your ideal first step.
  • What can I expect to gain from the Style Simplified session?
    n this session, you’ll gain clarity on your current wardrobe’s strengths and weaknesses, a deeper understanding of your shopping and style habits, and a personalized action plan for moving forward. You’ll walk away with key takeaways that will help you avoid wasting money on pieces that don’t serve you and begin creating a wardrobe that aligns with your authentic self. It’s a highly informative session, and by the end, you’ll feel empowered to make better shopping decisions and be clear on the direction your wardrobe needs to go to reflect who you truly are.
  • I feel overwhelmed by my closet. Can the Style Simplified session help me with that?
    Yes! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your closet, the Style Simplified session is a great way to gain clarity. This session helps you break down your wardrobe in a calm, guided way so you can understand what’s truly working and what needs to go. We’ll focus on simplifying your approach to style, making the whole process less stressful and more aligned with what actually feels good for you. However, please note that we need to focus on one season at a time. If you have a large wardrobe, we’ll begin by breaking down your favorite pieces, and I’ll provide exercises to help you continue the process on your own. The goal is to create a manageable, actionable plan for your wardrobe that’s tailored to your current needs. By the end of the session, you’ll feel more confident and in control, with a clearer understanding of how to move forward without feeling bogged down by unnecessary items or decisions. This session is a starting point, not a complete wardrobe overhaul, but you’ll have the tools and insights to carry on organizing and refining your closet with ease.
  • What if I don’t like the style you suggest for me?
    There’s no one-size-fits-all “look” that I impose on clients. This process is collaborative, and everything is built around your personality, preferences, and lifestyle. You’ll be involved every step of the way, ensuring that your final style direction feels natural and authentic to you. My role is to guide, refine, and bring clarity—not to dictate or change who you are.
  • What is a Wardrobe Audit?
    A Wardrobe Audit is a deep assessment of your current wardrobe to ensure it aligns with your personal style, offers versatility, and works cohesively as a whole. This process isn’t about discarding everything you own—it’s about understanding what serves you, what doesn’t, and how to create a more intentional, well-balanced collection of pieces that truly reflect who you are. Using a structured methodology, we evaluate your wardrobe for consistency in style, cohesiveness, variation, and balance—even if those terms don’t mean much to you yet, don’t worry! The process is designed to give you clarity on what works, what’s missing, and how to make getting dressed effortless. By the end of the audit, you’ll gain a clearer sense of direction, ensuring every piece in your wardrobe contributes to a style that feels natural and empowering. If you’re tired of feeling like your closet is full of clothes but nothing quite works together, this is the step that will change that. Check out the Style Simplified one-hour session, which will give you a taste of an Audit today and start building a wardrobe that truly works for you!
  • What is the Style Simplified session, and how can it help me?
    The Style Simplified session is a one-hour, personalized consultation designed to give you clarity about your wardrobe and your style goals. It’s a guided conversation where we explore your purchasing habits, assess what’s currently in your wardrobe, and uncover where you want to take your style next. This session is perfect for anyone feeling stuck, unsure, or overwhelmed by their wardrobe. Through this process, we’ll identify key insights about what’s working, what isn’t, and how to refine your wardrobe to better reflect your personal style and lifestyle. It’s an empowering way to take the first step toward a more intentional and functional wardrobe, with no judgment—just guidance and clarity.
  • I’ve tried finding my style before, but nothing sticks. How is this different?
    This isn’t just about picking a few outfits—it’s a deeper process of understanding why you’re drawn to certain styles, what actually works for your life, and how to break free from habits that keep you stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction. It’s about rewiring how you think about your wardrobe so that you no longer second-guess yourself or make impulse purchases that don’t serve you. If you’re ready to commit to that shift, this will be the last time you need to “find your style.”
  • I want to change, but what if I go back to old habits?
    Real transformation happens when you’re truly ready for it. This isn’t a quick fix—it’s a shift in how you approach style and shopping. If you’re open to rethinking how you see your wardrobe and willing to step out of your old patterns, you’ll come out of this experience with a completely new mindset. However, if you’re not yet ready to let go of past habits, this may not be the right time for you—and that’s okay! The best results come when you’re fully committed to embracing change.
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