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Writer's picture: raquelraquel

I have just come up with the perfect casual wardrobe: comfortable, warm, cosy, practical and cool, for the person that is not actually going to the office, it's probably a mum ( lots of bending and stretching) walks a lot and wants to keep it casual yet chic, right? . You are welcome! :P

After a few freezing days like last week, some of the Autumn stuff is not valid any more for me, so here is my list of ten, well, eleven essentials for those mums going to toddler activities, the woman working from home, or anybody that simply want to keep it casual..and chic!

Acabo de sacar en claro el armario casual más cómodo, calentito, acogedor, práctico, y chic para aquellas mujeres que no van a la oficina, trabajan desde casa, o son probablemente madres como yo ( corriendo detrás de un peque, subiendo y bajando, con mogollón de momentos de agacharse y levantarse, o sentarse e inclinarse) pero que me quiero sentir chic! A que sí. De nada! jauja :P

Después de unos dias como la semana pasada de frio absoluto, algunas prendas en mi armario de Otoño, como que no hacen nada ahí o no me servían para este tiempo. Así que, aquí tienes diez imprescindibles, bueno, once, para estar chic y casual.


We should start from the base. Preferably, some thermal t-shirts or long sleeve tops.

That will keep you warm whatever you are going to put on top.

You can get good ones at Uniqlo and M&S.


Empecemos por debajo porque si no, nos quedamos heladas. Una buena termal , o una camiseta de manga larga de algodón.


Because no one wants to wear jeans all the time in winter. A skirt can be difficult at times in winter, and it involves too many things: tights, and to think what to wear on top and a coat and what shoes depending on the shape of the skirt. A midi dress is a more practical approach.

Shapes: not everyone suits a tight dress and we may feel self conscious, personally with a column body type shape, I need to put a belt on these dresses or they will not do anything for me. the second option below is looser at the bottom half to eliminate the self-conscious part on that part.

Colours: I personally prefer a thicker knit and dark ( not black) again to avoid the obsession if any underwear is noticeable.


Porque nadie quiere llevar vaqueros todo el invierno y te apetece cambiar pero estar calentita. Una falda implica pensar mucho en combinaciones de colores y prendas de arriba, medias, y abrigo, por eso incluyo un vestido.

Forma: Yo prefiero la largura midi. No todo el mundo esta cómodo con un vestido ajustado, el segundo que enseño es más suelto por abajo.

Colores: Aunque esta muy de moda los claros, yo elegiría uno más oscuro, no tiene por qué ser negro, pero si es claro, estoy obsesionada con el tamaño del trasero y si se transparenta la ropa interior.

River Island

Warehouse Fashion


Let it be a puffer, a wool coat, a faux shearling coat, whatever you like. The important thing is to cover your bottom half area as well as the top.

Shapes: I have not included here in purpose a wool coat, as much of a wool element they may contain, I have tried them in winter, mine is 80% wool, 20% alpaca, and I get cold as it's still too thin for me.

It all depends on your body temperature, I am one that gets cold really easily, so in purpose I go for these shapes.

Colour: Although I do have a black puffer coat, I am trying to get away from that colour.

My favourite types below:


Aquí lo dejo a tu elección, si quieres abrigo de lana, uno de piel vuelta, o lo que quieras. Pero lo importante es que te cubra la parte de cintura para abajo, que se queda muy fría también.

Formas: Yo a propósito no he incluído un abrigo de lana, el mío es 80% lana y 20% alpaca, y yo me muero de frio porque es muy fino. Pero si a ti te funciona, ve a por ellos, me parecen muy chic, pero nada cómodos para mi gusto.

Color: Los de abajo son mis favoritos, intentando evitar el negro.

Warehouse Fashion


& Other Stories


There is nothing warmer, as well as comfortable and practical that having some knee high flat boots or ankle flat boots. They will go great with dresses, some skirts and jeans tucked in.

Shapes: I don't particularly like the super chunky style this season, I do think we will get tired of it, and it will get to be a waste item in our wardrobe in a few seasons. However, I do like to adapt the trend, and my style will be a more feminine biker style.

Colours: Well, I go for black in my shoes. I would love to buy them in light or off white, but I am afraid to make it a waste in my wardrobe.

Some of my favourites styles and colour:


Me encantan estos dos tipos de bota, pegan con todo y son versátiles a morir.

Formas: A mi personalmente no me gustan las super gordas que están ahora de moda, o esas que parecen de jardinero. Prefiero adaptar el estilo "grueso' a lo más fino dentro de lo grueso o vasto.

Colores: Aqui me ciño al negro o al marrón, de piel.


Mint velvet



They are everywhere and they keep us warm and can make any outfit look quite cool.

I would choose a light base but some colour detail like the below ones.


Ya sabes, no de las que vas a correr.

Formas: Pues que este cerrado al tobillo lo más alto que se pueda.

Colores: A mi me gustan las claras con algún toque elegante de color.



Just thrown on, and you are good to go.

Shape: I prefer oversized ones

Colours: One that suit you around the face, or a pattern one. And one that goes with most of your coats!

In tins category, I prefer to search for good wool content, as polyester can then get hairs into your coats.

My favourite patterns and colour:


Formas: Las enormes

Colores: el que favorezca a tu cara, y el que te vaya con la mayoría de tus abrigos.

En esta categoría esta bien coger colores llamativos si quieres.

Mis favoritos abajo:




They tend to have a soft material inside, and as being tight to the leg, they will keep you warm.

Shape: I prefer high waist, the feeling of protective and warm increases, and since you are likely to wear a jumper on top of the waist area, this shape is a good idea. I like to go for straight not too skinny, nowadays it's called slim fit shapes.

Colour: Right now, it's very popular the neutral colours, so a pair of light colour such as caramel or camel or off white and another pair in black will sort out a lot of outfits. Although I have seen them in bottle green and they are great!

Some of my favourites:


Tienden a tener un material suavecito dentro, que los hace calentitos.

Formas: No todo el mundo esta a gusto con un legging, asi que hay joggers muy guays también.

Colores: Ahora es muy popular los tonos claros, asi que yo me cogería uno claro y otro oscuro, aunque los verdes son geniales.


River Island



I know this is really casual, but it's one that nowadays is trending with smart trousers, as long as you choose a smart enough type. You can wear it with jeans, faux leather trousers and even a blazer on top to give it a more done up look.

The shapes and colours and materials are endless here!

Shapes: I personally prefer one that sits above your hip since longer ones can make you loose your body shape and give a too much casual vibe. Do your research though and get one in a really good quality.

They have a great material to keep you warm.

Colours: I would avoid bright colours, they can give the impression of track suit exercise kind of vibe.

As we are talking about an item that we want as a key piece for winter casual, hence you are going to wear it quite often. You don't have to go for black though! although you can if that is your thing. Can you see how well it works in mixing textures with your faux leather legging above?

Here are my favourites:


Elige una que sea más arregladita, ya sea por material o por color. Se llevan un montón con pantalones de todo tipo.

Formas: Yo personalmente prefiero las que caen justo antes de la cadera, me parecen más elegantes, una más larga va a dar sensación más chandales.

Colores: Yo evitaría colores muy chillones, ya que de nuevo, parece que vas a hacer deporte y no es el caso.

& Other stories



This will brighten your winter days. Grabbing that colourful piece that will bring happiness to the outfit.

Shape: The world is your oyster!

Colour: The world is your oyster!


En estos tiempos de invierno, necesitamos alegría.

Forma: La que quieras

Color: El que quieras




Of course! In the days were it was snowing everywhere, you could tell that was necessary.

For this, I love going for colour too, but just choose, either your hat or your scarf has a bright colour, leave the other one neutral, so you can wear them both together making sense of the combination.

They are everywhere so choose yours!

Shape: I prefer an oversized rather than a beanie.

Colour: Choose if you want to add the accent colour in your hat or in your scarf, not both, so you can make more sense of the outfit. Make them complement each other though!


Por supuesto.

Forma: Me gustan los grandes

Color- Uno estridente si quieres, o neutro, pero mira a ver en que color tienes la bufanda, para complementar los colores.



The most comfortable thing in the world. And they look so chic! and you make them casual with the rest of the items above.


Lo más cómodo del mundo y elegante, y luego lo haces casual con el resto de piezas de arriba.

Massimo Dutti



Which is your key winter piece?

I would love to know!




  • Do I need to be actively involved in the process once I purchase the Style Breakthrough service?
    Yes. This service is designed for individuals who are truly ready to commit to discovering their authentic style and breaking free from impulsive, unfulfilling purchases. We work with clients who are at a stage in their lives where they want a more intentional and sustainable approach to their wardrobe. By trusting the process and fully engaging in it, you’ll achieve lasting results—a style that feels effortless, cohesive, and truly you.
  • Will I have to get rid of all my clothes?
    Not at all! The goal is to work with what you already have and refine your wardrobe, not to start from scratch. We’ll assess what truly aligns with your style, what can be repurposed, and what might not be serving you anymore. The process is about intention—curating a wardrobe that supports your style, not just replacing everything for the sake of it.
  • Will the Style Breakthrough service change me into someone I’m not?
    Absolutely not! This service isn’t about forcing you into a specific style or making you dress in a way that doesn’t feel like you. Instead, it’s about uncovering and refining the style that already aligns with who you are at this stage of your life. Think of it as a process of self-discovery—one that empowers you to feel more confident, authentic, and in control of your wardrobe. You won’t be told what to wear; rather, you’ll gain clarity on what truly resonates with you, so getting dressed feels effortless and right for you. This is about embracing your style, not changing it into something it’s not.
  • Do I need to be passionate about fashion to benefit from the Style Breakthrough service?
    Not at all! The Style Breakthrough is for anyone who wants to feel confident and authentic in what they wear—whether or not they follow fashion trends. However, this service is about more than just clothes; it’s about shifting your mindset around style and shopping. To truly benefit, you need to be open to change. If you’re ready to break free from old shopping habits, stop wasting money on pieces that don’t work, and build a wardrobe that reflects who you are, this process will give you clarity and confidence. But this may not be the right fit if you’re looking for a quick fix without a commitment to real change. Style isn’t about following rules—it’s about redefining your relationship with your wardrobe and embracing a new way of dressing that truly serves you.
  • Is the Style Breakthrough service only for people who feel lost in their style?
    Not at all! While the service is perfect for those who feel disconnected from their wardrobe, it’s also designed for anyone who wants to refine, refresh, or evolve their personal style. Whether you’re going through a life transition, seeking a more cohesive wardrobe, or simply wanting to shop with more confidence and clarity, the Style Breakthrough will help you build a wardrobe that truly represents you. It’s about making style effortless, authentic, and aligned with who you are—wherever you are on your style journey.
  • Why should I book the Style Simplified session instead of jumping straight into a full service?
    The Style Simplified session is a great starting point because it allows you to gain essential insight into your wardrobe and style goals, without committing to a larger service right away. If you’re not sure where to begin or feel overwhelmed by the thought of a full transformation, this session helps break things down into manageable steps. Think of it as a powerful checkpoint that gives you the information you need to move forward with confidence—whether you choose to continue working together or implement the insights on your own. If you’re ready for a shift but need help figuring out where to focus, this session is your ideal first step.
  • What can I expect to gain from the Style Simplified session?
    n this session, you’ll gain clarity on your current wardrobe’s strengths and weaknesses, a deeper understanding of your shopping and style habits, and a personalized action plan for moving forward. You’ll walk away with key takeaways that will help you avoid wasting money on pieces that don’t serve you and begin creating a wardrobe that aligns with your authentic self. It’s a highly informative session, and by the end, you’ll feel empowered to make better shopping decisions and be clear on the direction your wardrobe needs to go to reflect who you truly are.
  • I feel overwhelmed by my closet. Can the Style Simplified session help me with that?
    Yes! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your closet, the Style Simplified session is a great way to gain clarity. This session helps you break down your wardrobe in a calm, guided way so you can understand what’s truly working and what needs to go. We’ll focus on simplifying your approach to style, making the whole process less stressful and more aligned with what actually feels good for you. However, please note that we need to focus on one season at a time. If you have a large wardrobe, we’ll begin by breaking down your favorite pieces, and I’ll provide exercises to help you continue the process on your own. The goal is to create a manageable, actionable plan for your wardrobe that’s tailored to your current needs. By the end of the session, you’ll feel more confident and in control, with a clearer understanding of how to move forward without feeling bogged down by unnecessary items or decisions. This session is a starting point, not a complete wardrobe overhaul, but you’ll have the tools and insights to carry on organizing and refining your closet with ease.
  • What if I don’t like the style you suggest for me?
    There’s no one-size-fits-all “look” that I impose on clients. This process is collaborative, and everything is built around your personality, preferences, and lifestyle. You’ll be involved every step of the way, ensuring that your final style direction feels natural and authentic to you. My role is to guide, refine, and bring clarity—not to dictate or change who you are.
  • What is a Wardrobe Audit?
    A Wardrobe Audit is a deep assessment of your current wardrobe to ensure it aligns with your personal style, offers versatility, and works cohesively as a whole. This process isn’t about discarding everything you own—it’s about understanding what serves you, what doesn’t, and how to create a more intentional, well-balanced collection of pieces that truly reflect who you are. Using a structured methodology, we evaluate your wardrobe for consistency in style, cohesiveness, variation, and balance—even if those terms don’t mean much to you yet, don’t worry! The process is designed to give you clarity on what works, what’s missing, and how to make getting dressed effortless. By the end of the audit, you’ll gain a clearer sense of direction, ensuring every piece in your wardrobe contributes to a style that feels natural and empowering. If you’re tired of feeling like your closet is full of clothes but nothing quite works together, this is the step that will change that. Check out the Style Simplified one-hour session, which will give you a taste of an Audit today and start building a wardrobe that truly works for you!
  • What is the Style Simplified session, and how can it help me?
    The Style Simplified session is a one-hour, personalized consultation designed to give you clarity about your wardrobe and your style goals. It’s a guided conversation where we explore your purchasing habits, assess what’s currently in your wardrobe, and uncover where you want to take your style next. This session is perfect for anyone feeling stuck, unsure, or overwhelmed by their wardrobe. Through this process, we’ll identify key insights about what’s working, what isn’t, and how to refine your wardrobe to better reflect your personal style and lifestyle. It’s an empowering way to take the first step toward a more intentional and functional wardrobe, with no judgment—just guidance and clarity.
  • I’ve tried finding my style before, but nothing sticks. How is this different?
    This isn’t just about picking a few outfits—it’s a deeper process of understanding why you’re drawn to certain styles, what actually works for your life, and how to break free from habits that keep you stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction. It’s about rewiring how you think about your wardrobe so that you no longer second-guess yourself or make impulse purchases that don’t serve you. If you’re ready to commit to that shift, this will be the last time you need to “find your style.”
  • I want to change, but what if I go back to old habits?
    Real transformation happens when you’re truly ready for it. This isn’t a quick fix—it’s a shift in how you approach style and shopping. If you’re open to rethinking how you see your wardrobe and willing to step out of your old patterns, you’ll come out of this experience with a completely new mindset. However, if you’re not yet ready to let go of past habits, this may not be the right time for you—and that’s okay! The best results come when you’re fully committed to embracing change.
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