It is a new season, and we get bombarded on what we should be including in our Autumn wardrobe.
In theory, it can be a good idea to invest in some pieces, however, read below the reality of some of them, causing unnecessary purchases.
1- The trench coat
Yes, the idea is superb! the actual execution, could be so wrong! The typical trench coat don't suit everyone!, especially in the usual camel shade colour. You have to find the right camel shade for you, or sand, to suit YOU. Additionally, the trench coat has a masculine vibe that not everyone will go for.
1- La Gabardina.
La idea es genial, pero la ejecución puede salir fatal. La típica gabardina no le queda bien a todo el mundo.Especialmente en los tonos camel clásicos. Además, la gabardina tiene un aire masculino que no todo el mundo elige llevar.

Picture: Massimo Dutti.
2- The biker leather jacket.
Some people feel a bit edgy with a biker leather jacket, and they don't know exactly when to wear it, as it is not warm enough or when is warm, they feel odd with it.
2- La cazadora de cuero.
Algunas personas se sienten un poco con un aire roquerillo que no va con su estilo, y no saben en que época del año llevarla aunque para otros parezca claro.

Picture: Massimo Dutti
3- The long wool coat
We see them all over shops and instagram, but wait! a long coat does not suit everyone. You need to be careful to actually YOU wearing the coat, and not the coat wearing YOU!
The length is not practical for many people, ie: if you have to run around a toddler.
Even if they are wool, they are usually quite thin, and it may not keep you as warm as you though so, or be as comfortable as you though.
3- El abrigo de lana, largo.
Aunque lo veas a todas las bloggers en Otoño por todo instagram, espera! Un abrigo largo no le queda bien a todo el mundo. Tienes que tener cuidado de que TU lleves el abrigo, y no el abrigo te lleve a ti. La largura no es práctica para todo el mundo, por ejemplo, si tienes que correr detrás de un niño.
Incluso siendo de lana, suelen ser bastante finos y no te mantendrá tan calentita como pensabas.

picture: & Other Stories
4- A back blazer
What if you are not a blazer person?
Blazers as such are synonymous of chic and elegant. Wearing one, even with jeans, feels too dressy for some people.
4- Una americana negra.
Y qué pasa si no eres una persona de americanas?
las americanas son símbolo de chic y elegante. Llevar una, incluso con vaqueros puede hacerte sentir que vas muy arreglada.

Picture: & Other Stories
5- The White Shirt.
Personally, I find this one tricky. I have tried and tried over the years, and my one white shirt I owe, is there in the wardrobe, untouched. I just don't see myself with a white shirt, it washes me out, does not do much for my face in terms of colour.
5- Una camisa blanca
Personalmente, esta tiene truco. Me tire años buscando la camisa blanca perfecta, y la encontré, y ahí está en el armario sin usarla. Para mi es muy formal, no le hace un favor a mi cara, ni a su color.

Picture: & Other Stories
Which typical staple will you questioned?
Qué clásicos de siempre pondrías en duda?